

Koi ponds are beautiful and relaxing. They also are a sizable investment, which means you need to keep them safe.
Here is a simple fact. People with no money at all do not own Koi ponds. The expense involved for the construction, purchase of fish, food for the Koi, and chemicals to maintain the pond can represent a serious investment of money. This does not even take into consideration the time and effort or the enjoyment that you derive from your family of fish.
The dangers to the Koi pond come in three forms. They are predators, water conditions, and disease. Predators come in all sizes and shapes. In rural areas, where most ponds are located, scavengers like raccoons will enjoy a testy meal of Koi anytime they can get near to the pond. Fish eating birds present a serious problem in many areas as well. One good suggestion for the control of predators is to make the pond as deep as possible and to provide some sort of cover for the fish. Ponds that are at least 4 feet deep tend to discourage most predators. Eight feet deep ponds are even better.
Thin bird netting can be strung over the pond to prevent birds such as Great Blue Hurons from targeting your pond as a grocery store. A full sized nesting Huron can eat as many as twenty Koi in a single meal. They are known to kill larger fish and just dump them next to the pond. A combination of netting and depth gives the fish a fighting chance. The law of survival of the fittest is going to be enforced in your pond. The healthy fish that are smart and fast are going to be the ones that survive any attack.
The dangers from disease are best controlled by keeping the fish from becoming stressed. When you speak of fish stress, you are referring to any type of condition that disrupts the harmony of the fish’s environment. This could be anything from dirty water to excessive handling. Over crowding creates stress as does sharp edges that can cause injury to the fish. Most bacterial and fungal agents attack the fish through previous injuries.
The final step is monitoring and maintaining the proper chemical levels in the water. This includes everything from acidity to temperature to the presence of contaminants. Most Koi pond owners become amateur chemists and their testing kits are one of their strongest weapons in keeping the fish healthy and happy

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